New changes to the Michigan Open & Obvious Law leave Michigan property owners open to more liability lawsuits. Learn more about the comparative fault doctrine and how to protect your business.

New changes to the Michigan Open & Obvious Law leave Michigan property owners open to more liability lawsuits. Learn more about the comparative fault doctrine and how to protect your business.
While many organizations understand the importance of succession planning, few take the time to develop and implement effective strategies. In this article we examine how to get started.
Brown Jug, Inc v Cincinnati Ins Co Holds no "Direct Physical Loss" In Brown Jug, Inc v Cincinnati Ins Co, the plaintiffs, restaurants and entertainment venues, made claims against their respective commercial insurance policies alleging a loss of income as a result of...
In November 2021, over 4.5 million Americans quit their jobs. That’s about 3% of the total workforce. It continues a trend that existed throughout 2021. Employees coming and going is a fact of corporate life, but the Great Resignation makes it more important than ever...
It is no secret that the price of construction materials and equipment is increasing faster than bids are accepted, contracts awarded and projects built. Much has been written and debated about price escalation clauses, Force Majeure and other legal positions,...
MIOSHA’s Emergency Rules on Coronavirus Disease 2019 were extended without any modifications on April 14, 2021 and are now in effect until October 14, 2021. MIOSHA has also released a draft of the proposed permanent rules which largely mirror the Emergency Rules but...
Avoid Potential Liabilities when returning to the office By Attorney Andy Hilger Without a doubt, many workers are huddled around the virtual water cooler waiting to be called back to in-person work. Many of them are excited while others are still trying to enjoy...
Many employers are wondering when they can start calling remote employees back to work, what additional precautions need to be taken, if they have a right to require vaccinations, and what the risks are for going back to in-person work.
On Monday, December 21, 2020, the House and Senate passed the Consolidated Appropriations Act 2021 which provides for additional Covid-19 relief. The President signed the Act late Sunday, December 27, 2020. Among other relief, the Act provides for a new source of...
Many Michigan businesses are up and running again after the shutdown, although now operating at a new norm. The active Executive Orders relating to COVID-19 contain safety and health workplace guidelines businesses are required to follow if open. Yesterday, the...