The construction industry is ever-changing and always looking for new ways to save costs and improve speed, quality, and efficiency. A common tool employed to achieve these goals is the delegation of certain design responsibilities for the project. For example, a...
Andy Hilger
Automation Bias and Discrimination in the Hiring Process
Learn more about the Automation Bias and Discrimination in the Hiring Process By Attorney Andy Hilger Hiring decisions are time consuming, expensive, and important. Some employers are either using or considering using artificial intelligence (AI) and automation to...
Put Employees Back at Their Desks While Avoiding Potential Liability
Avoid Potential Liabilities when returning to the office By Attorney Andy Hilger Without a doubt, many workers are huddled around the virtual water cooler waiting to be called back to in-person work. Many of them are excited while others are still trying to enjoy...
Wading Through the Waves of Restrictions for Recalling Employees
Many employers are wondering when they can start calling remote employees back to work, what additional precautions need to be taken, if they have a right to require vaccinations, and what the risks are for going back to in-person work.
Remote Workers and Compensation Structures based on Location
Learn more about the strategies of setting up remote worker compensation structures based on their geographic location.
Indemnity Obligations: the “In-Law” That Won’t Move Out
Contractors and subcontractors should be aware of their lingering liability under contractual indemnity provisions that might currently be overlooked. These obligations and the potential for liability can outlast other types of contract claims because they might not accrue until long after the project is done.
Indiana’s Anti-Indemnity Statute Impact Architects, Engineers, and Design Builders
Learn about the impact of Indiana’s Anti-Indemnity Statue on Architects, Engineers, and Design Builders.