Delegated Design and Potential Liability

Delegated Design and Potential Liability

The construction industry is ever-changing and always looking for new ways to save costs and improve speed, quality, and efficiency. A common tool employed to achieve these goals is the delegation of certain design responsibilities for the project. For example, a...
The Ambiguous Nature of Consequential Damages

The Ambiguous Nature of Consequential Damages

By Andy Hilger Consequential damages and contractual waivers of the same are commonplace in the construction industry. However, when the rubber meets the road, parties often disagree about what actually falls into the bucket of consequential damages. In Michigan,...
The Cottage Corner – Part 1: Management

The Cottage Corner – Part 1: Management

Common Ownership Issues in Family Cottages – Part I: Management Believe it or not, co-owning family cottages can create issues between the common owners. Seriously! These “issues” (which can sometimes decimate familial relationships) are typically concentrated into...