Ron Reynolds Presents on Water Law Principles at Real Property Law Section (RPLS) Conference
March 7-9, 2024
Scottsdale, az
Hilger Hammond Attorney Ron Reynolds was joined by Judy Dworkin, a Scottsdale-based attorney at Sacks Tierney PA with expertise on Arizona water law, to discuss and contrast Michigan and Arizona water law principles at the 2024 State Bar of Michigan Real Property Law Section Winter Conference (titled “Some Like it Hot!”).
During their presentation they discussed rights attaching to both surface water and groundwater, as well as the impact and significance of multi-jurisdictional agreements contained in the Colorado River Compact and the Great Lakes Compact. Ron and Judy reviewed the evolvement of rights under Arizona’s Law of Prior Appropriation and Michigan’s Riparian Rights tradition.
Ron has substantial experience in handling water law related issues, including arguing an often-cited case before the Michigan Supreme Court. The State Bar of Michigan Real Property Law Section provides a hosts numerous legal education and professional development conferences and seminars throughout the year. Ron is a past Chair of the Section and the current Co-Chair of the Eminent Domain Committee, and has been a frequent speaker and contributor to the Section’s educational offerings.